The Postgraduate Program in Territories and Cultural Expressions in the Cerrado (TECCER), master’s degree level, of the Universidade Estadual de Goiás (UEG) currently has two lines of research, namely: Line 1 - TERRITORIAL DYNAMICS IN THE CERRADO and Line 2 - KNOWLEDGE AND CULTURAL EXPRESSIONS OF THE CERRADO.
The domain of the Cerrado is characterized by complex territorial dynamics. Its diversified natural resources have allowed the establishment of traditional economic exploitation as well as large-scale economic exploitation. In it, complex political projects for the occupation of the territory has been configured, emanating from the State and its institutions, as well as the alternative proposals of the contesting social movements. It made possible a model of society marked by ruralization, as well as a model of modern planned capitals coexisting with centuries-old cities.
Therefore, the objective of this line is to develop researches that focus on the social, environmental, historical, economic and political dynamics in the territory. Thus, it is expected a critical posture in which the Cerrado is analyzed in multiple dimensions: nature and society, innovation and backwardness, modern and traditional, rural and urban, wealth and poverty, State and people.
As it is a comprehensive spatial area of ancient human occupation, in the domain of the Cerrado its own cultural expressions have emerged, many coming from other places and adapted to its environmental and cultural peculiarities. Thus, in this territory there are specific forms of religiosity, architectural and aesthetic productions, folkloric manifestations, traditional festivals, leisure activities, cooking, myths and rituals marked by the singularity of the environment in which they are located.
The domain of the Cerrado was also the object of much knowledge that set out to explain, analyze, represent or understand it. Therefore, it is interesting to understand how this domain was and still is the object of representation of plastic arts, regional literature, cinematographic productions, indigenous myths, proverbs and stories from the countryside.
It is also interesting to understand the domain of the Cerrado as an object of analysis of knowledge from natural, biological, social sciences and historiography.